Financial Services
3aaa is the outstanding provider of Apprenticeships in England, specialising in the delivery of Financial Services Apprenticeships. Many young people are looking to earn whilst they learn in a fast paced industry which can lead them to a variety of exciting roles. The 3aaa Financial Services Apprenticeship is designed to give you the skills that meet the needs of this growing and demanding sector as well as the skills required by your employer..
key facts
simple facts you need to know
- Lvl 3 Certificate in Providing of Financial Services
- 12monthsCourse length
- 1day p/month3aaa Academy training
- £3.30per hourMinimum Apprentice Wage
technical details
the important stuff
did you know?
- 90% of Apprentices stay in employment after the end of their Apprenticeships.
- On average Apprentices earn over £100,000 more than graduates in their life time.
- There has never been a better time to start an Apprenticeship
level 4 progression
don't stop at level 3
Upon completion of your Level 3 Apprenticeship, you will then move onto our Advanced Level 4 Apprenticeship.
There are excellent progression routes available to you as you move onto a Level 4 qualification. After completing your Level 3 qualification, you will then progress on to Level 4 Business Administration Apprenticeship, allowing you to enhance your skills and knowledge.
The Level 4 Business Administration Apprenticeship is the best fit for you to progress your skills further. Please click here to find out more information about this programme or contact a member of the 3aaa team to discuss your progression.
Please speak to a member of the 3aaa team to discuss your progression.