3aaa Apprenticeship
Friday 21st April 2017
The announcement that Theresa May is planning to hold a General Election on June 8th 2017 has shocked the Nation. The Prime Minister needed at least two-thirds of the Members of Parliament agreement to make the plans go ahead and now we know that the majority of UK MPs have backed Mrs May’s decision to “put our fate in the hands of the people”, with a total of 552 votes in The House Of Commons, and only 13 voted against.
So what happens now? 3aaa Apprenticeships Director of Strategy and Policy, Stewart Segal tells us just how much Apprenticeships and the Education Sector will be effected by this shock election.
He covers:
- Will it effect how the Apprenticeship Levy works?
- What 3aaa Apprenticeships think of the General Election
- Will the Government have a target for Apprenticeships?
- The quality of Apprenticeships
- Will the manifesto effect the development of technical training?
- Making sure young people have a choice
- Brexit and the growth of the economy
For more information visit www.apprenticeshipslevy.com/news