3aaa Apprenticeship
Monday 10th April 2017
3aaa Apprenticeships are helping women across England to build a Technology career through Apprenticeships.
Elle Cooper, Digital Marketing Apprentice working with randd uk, spoke to Tracy Pound, Director of Maximity and a key influential figure in the Technology industry about her journey so far as a 3aaa Apprentice and her commitment to owning and leading her own Digital Marketing Agency in the future.
“I chose to specialise in Digital Marketing because there is a lot of freedom to it, whether you want to travel, specialise in one industry or explore new ones.”
“I am the only female who is working within Marketing in my company and the external agency and consultancy we use is solely men. I notice that when we go to meetings, I am often the only female there and the only person under twenty. To be honest, this doesn’t bother me at all.”
You can watch the discussion here:
“My generation was brought up around Technology. I have always loved using it, being on computers, having social media accounts, as I’m sure a lot of people my age do. I think the trend of people growing up with Technology is going to evolve even more, with technological knowledge being gained at younger ages. My little brother, who is eight, has unbelievable IT knowledge already. Things that are new to me are just standard to him and I think that’s another important aspect of going into Digital Marketing, you need to keep ahead of all this new Technology and that’s what interests me a lot. The industry is constantly changing. What I am working on now will be completely different to what I am doing in ten years time.”
“The reason I want to set up my own business, especially in Digital Marketing, is because so much of people’s leisure time, work time, everything is connected to the internet; every device we touch. The first thing a lot of people do is to wake up and go on their phones, they check their social media channels. I think that tradition marketing is too focused on face-to-face or over-the-phone, which requires the potential lead to respond directly, whereas with Digital Marketing, you can target people on a more personable base and it’s important that marketing needs to continue down this route.”
If you are looking to START YOUR CAREER, consider an Apprenticeship. If you’re an employer looking to GROW YOUR WORKFORCE, consider recruiting a 3aaa Apprentice.