3aaa Apprenticeship
Wednesday 19th July 2017
July 14th marked 3aaa Apprenticeship’s most recent Apprenticeship Levy Club Conference, aimed at supporting our Levy Club members. Throughout the day our guests listened to a range of special guest speakers including Lee Avery, Talent Development Project Manager at Handelsbanken, International Speaker, Richard Gerver and Peter Marples, Co-owner of 3aaa Apprenticeships.
The event, which was hosted by 3aaa Apprenticeships at Leicester Tigers Rugby Club, saw Peter Marples, co-owner of 3aaa Apprenticeships, talk about policy changes and updates from the Levy world, including the 20% off the job training and an insight into our own management programme. He also discussed the changes compared to when he started working within this sector. It has effectively done a full circle, with the new Standards now mirroring specific job roles, rather than generic qualifications. This is increasingly beneficial for both Apprentice and Employer as it ensures that their qualification gives them the exact skills to excel within their job role. He went on to talk about how 3aaa support different clients in a range of different sectors.
Richard Gerver, international speaker and regular attendant to 3aaa Apprenticeship events, gave an inspirational talk to our Levy Club members about how human behaviours affect management styles. He spoke about various well-known figures such as Steve Wozniak and Clive Woodward, analysing their management styles and behaviour, how they motivate in their place of work and how behaviour can affect them. Richard’s insightful and engaging session went down extremely well with our guests, giving them some food for thought regarding different styles of management and behaviour.
Lee Avery, Talent Development Project Manager at Handelsbanken also attended the event and spoke to our Levy Club members about Handelsbanken, how they utilise the Levy and how they see the Levy as a positive investment within their recruitment process. He also spoke about how the bank develops its people and the reason they chose 3aaa Apprenticeships. He discussed our expertise and experience in Apprenticeships and learning, our national presence, our 40 UK wide training academies and our Ofsted rating of outstanding across the board.
Peter Marples also spoke about the changing face of recruitment, discussing different recruitment strategies and how they can impact on an organisation’s workforce. Furthermore, he went on to say that by 2019 an Apprenticeship standard will be available for nearly all professions through to Level 7. His speech showed how the Levy has transformed Apprenticeship training, the development of standards and the predictions of the Levy approach and direction by 2020, predicting that by then there will be risks for undergraduates at 21 when they compete to find jobs.
Overall, the day was a great success, providing our Levy Club members with a valuable insight into the Levy and the industry as a whole.
‘Save the date!’ – Our forthcoming Levy Club Conference dates are as follows:
- Wednesday 8th November 2017
- Thursday 15th March 2018
- Friday 29th June 2018
More information about our next event will be sent out over the next few weeks. To find out more information about the Levy and 3aaa’s exclusive Levy Club, contact the team on 0330 124 3224 or e-mail apprenticeshiplevy@3aaa.co.uk. You can also visit our website: www.apprenticeshipslevy.com