3aaa Apprenticeship
Monday 25th April 2016
Lee Moorton, IT Trainer at Chelmsford Academy recently reached the final in the Cutting Edge Category for designing an App that is used by support services, particularly those working with troubled teenagers and the criminal justice system that teaches empathy to those who have harmed others.
The focus of these awards is to celebrate together the life changing effects of restorative practice and to stand with those who have been able to overcome adverse circumstances to give hope to all those affected by conflict.
The awards will showcase best practice throughout employment, education, community settings and the criminal justice sector to demonstrate what can be achieved and to inspire others to take a restorative approach. The award ceremony was held to recognise individuals and organisations who are leading the way in demonstrating how and why restorative practices can be used to transform the way we live.
Lee comments: “It was just such a huge honour to be a finalist and have the opportunity to meet all the people who came up and shook my hand on the night and told me such fantastic stories of how they’ve been using my app to work with vulnerable kids all over the county. I’m such a passionate advocate for the benefits of technology and how it can help transform people’s lives for the better.”