3aaa Apprenticeship
Monday 5th March 2018
We are delighted to announce that the Chief Executive of the AELP (Association of Employment and Learning Providers), Mark Dawe will be speaking to guests at our next Apprenticeship Levy Club Conference, which will be held at Wembley Stadium on Tuesday 15th May 2018.
Mark was appointed as the Chief Executive of AELP almost 2 years ago. He is on the Board of WorldSkills Uk and the UfI Trust as well as a range of government boards such as the ESFA Advisory Board, IfA Quality Alliance and the DfE’s Apprenticeship Stakeholder Board.
Mark will now join our very own Group Chief Executive, Peter Marples as one of the keynote speakers at the conference and will give an in-depth policy and sector update and offer his predictions for the coming months. He will also be on hand to network with our guests throughout the day and to answer any key questions that they may have.
The conference, themed ‘A Year in the life of the Apprenticeship Levy’ is open to all of our current Levy Club members and also potential partners that would like to find out more about 3aaa Apprenticeships and the Levy from our industry experts. The conference will start at 10.00am and finish at 2.45pm and will include lunch and refreshments for all delegates throughout the day. Spaces are limited so sign up today by clicking on the following link: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/d/E19D9B6972AEF215
Keep an eye out on our website and social media platforms over the coming weeks for further details and the announcements of our other speakers.
If you have any questions, please contact Rob Collins on robcollins@3aaa.co.uk or call 07391 407 661 .