3aaa Apprenticeship
Monday 12th June 2017
Donald Trump has always been a strong supporter of developing Apprenticeships in America. Throughout his presidential campaign, he continuously discussed the importance of developing employees who are suitably skilled for the jobs the USA needs to grow their economy.This week sees the first notable discussions to start introducing new educational routes into the American lifestyle with discussions about how to innovate training for vocational skills and how this should be recognised by businesses. President Trump is expected to meet with US governors this week to outline this strategy.
It is expected that the new strategy will place a heavy emphasis on the introduction of Apprenticeship programmes and ensuring these are treated as an equally-viable route into a career.
These discussions support the importance of 3aaa Apprenticeships’ partnership with The Children’s Guild to develop TranZed Apprenticeship Services, which is structured similar to the 3aaa Apprenticeships’ highly effective UK model, but tailored to the needs of American organisations.
Peter Marples, Group CEO commented;
“We have been pioneering in the USA in establishing Apprenticeships for the IT and Digital Services Community. This statement reaffirms we were right that there needs to be an alternative path for young people and mature adults to reskill in the USA. We look forward to expanding our platform in the USA over the forthcoming years”
TranZed Apprenticeship Services are the first ever organisation to offer professional services Apprenticeships in the US. Specialising in Technology, Cyber Security and Digital Marketing, TranZed Apprenticeship Services are already driving enthusiasm and success for Apprenticeships in America.
TranZed Apprenticeship Services were approved by the US Training Council last November, which saw the launch of their first American Apprenticeship training centre in Baltimore. They have formed strong working relationships with key employers throughout the state to develop effective skills development programmes.
Donald Trump and the United States of America overall are recognising the benefits that Apprenticeships bring to businesses, to employment rates and to the growth of the economy. This move is expected to be the first of many in the USA to replicate the benefits that Apprenticeships bring to businesses, which are already being reaped throughout the UK.
TranZed Apprenticeship Services are continuing to forge strong working relationships with organisations and Governors across America to deliver effective skills development programmes to bridge the skills gaps in America as we do throughout England.