3aaa Apprenticeship
Wednesday 14th March 2018
National Apprenticeship Week is a nationwide campaign organised by the UK Government’s National Apprenticeship Service and March 7th 2018 marked it’s eleventh anniversary.
The theme of the campaign for 2018 was “Apprenticeships Work”, to showcase how Apprenticeships work for individuals, businesses, local communities and the wider economy.
National Apprenticeship Week is one of the busiest and most exciting times of the year for 3aaa and 2018 was no different. Our dedicated academy staff spent the week hosting events, visiting schools to show the power of Apprenticeships and attending careers fairs across the country. We also created a brand-new website, dedicated to National Apprenticeship Week 2018, to show our support for the nationwide campaign and to provide people with the facts and figures regarding Apprenticeship training. Here is an overview of how 3aaa supported the campaign:
3aaa’s How Apprenticeships Work National Event
During National Apprenticeship Week, 3aaa hosted two nationwide events, providing the community with the opportunity to visit their local 3aaa academy.
3aaa’s Apprenticeship Open Evening
On the evening of Wednesday 7th March 2018, all 36 of our training academies hosted an Apprenticeship Open Evening where guests came along to find out more about out expert training and state-of-the-art learning facilities.
Attendees were also treated to Apprenticeship Taster Sessions, giving them a taste of what being a 3aaa Apprentice is like. Trainers across the country delivered sessions on Digital Marketing, IT and Accountancy, which showed guests the sort of things they would be taught after choosing a 3aaa programme.
Academy staff gave visitors a tour of their training rooms, provided them with CV tips and interview techniques and careers advisers were also on hand to talk to aspiring Apprentices about their career options and which 3aaa Apprenticeship suits their skills and interests.
3aaa’s Employer Networking Morning
As well as the Apprentice Open Evening, 3aaa also hosted an Employer Networking Morning on Friday 8th March 2018, at all our academies across England. The guests were a combination of employers looking to find out about 3aaa and businesses that are already partnered with 3aaa but simply wanted to celebrate Apprenticeships with us.
This event meant that employers, from SMEs to Levy paying organisations, could see how their local Academy prepare and deliver our outstanding development programmes to their employees, meet our industry expert trainers and learn more about how we tailor delivery sessions to meet business needs and values.
Academy staff explained how the Apprenticeship reforms have developed Apprenticeships into high-quality, effective staff training and highlighted how workforce development benefits both the individual and the wider-business. Questions regarding the Apprenticeship Levy and Employer National Insurance were answered, and the networking event gave businesses a fantastic opportunity to utilise corporate social responsibility and further understand how training staff through 3aaa positively impacts their organisation and the UK economy.
Overall, the events were a great success and over 500 people visited our facilities across the country to find out how Apprenticeships could work for them.
3aaa Nottingham’s Employer Conference at Nottingham City Council
3aaa Nottingham hosted a business conference at the stunning Nottingham City Council building on Thursday 8th March 2018 so that businesses could discuss the importance of Apprenticeships and how the Apprenticeship Levy affects them.
Guest speakers included Di McEvoy-Robinson, 3aaa’s Co-Owner, Elizabeth McKenna, the BBC’s Apprentice 4th place candidate, Dave Corbin who is the Director and Head of Project Management for global company WYG, and some fantastic members from Nottingham City Council.
Watch the video now to see how 3aaa Nottingham celebrated National Apprenticeship Week.
3aaa Leicester Academy’s Information and Advice Evening at Leicester Tigers Stadium
3aaa Leicester also celebrated National Apprenticeship Week by holding an event at our partnered employer, Leicester Tigers’ Stadium. The celebration was open to all employers, parents and future Apprentices.
The evening’s focus was to show attendees how 3aaa can help develop skills and experience that benefits both the Apprentice and the business they work for. Special guests included four of the Leicester Tiger players and Tracey Waterfield, the Apprenticeship Hub Manager for Leicester City Council.
Watch this video now to see the highlights from Leicester Academy’s event and Leicester Tigers Hooker, Tatafu Polota-Nau’s interview alongside a new 3aaa Apprentice.
3aaa would like to take this time to thank everyone who was involved in National Apprenticeship Week 2018. Without the support of our staff, our outstanding Apprentices and partnered employers we would not have been able to promote the power of Apprenticeships as widely as we did.
If you’re interested in developing yourself, or your staff, through 3aaa’s expert training programmes which have been designed by industry experts, look out for information on our upcoming events. They will be announced soon through our social media channels and on our website.
In the meantime, you can visit www.3aaa.co.uk where information on 3aaa, our programmes and the Apprenticeship Levy is available.